Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Pattiy Torno @ CURVE 2nd Saturday Spring Skirt Sale!

Anyone who knows me, knows that i do not put my work "on Sale" very often.... but i find i have some cute skirts from last year that need a good home... so in celebration of Collect Art Asheville's 2nd Saturdays, on April 14, 2012, i am making a sale... 50% off the skirts in the bin for one day only.... come see if one is for you!  There are a slew of new (albeit regular price) Aline & Flip skirts on the racks (pictured above) as well... Alena & I will be open extra hours 10am to 5pm.... with Alena doing a workshop starting @ 4:30pm...

CURVE studios & garden Spring 2012 Open House Weekend & Twilight Party

Please join all the artists @ CURVE on Friday, April 27, 2012 from 5 to 8pm for CURVE's Twilight Party... food from White Duck Taco, Short Street Cakes, Cassie Ryalls & others, Wedge beer & wine selections from 5 Walnut Wine Bar... Akira Satake will perform on banjo & shimasen from 7 to 7:30pm and the garden will be putting on its own show in color and fragrance!!  Read more about CURVE garden in the April 2012 issue of The Laurel of Asheville.